Self-contained radar post (SCRP) "RUBEZH-PTN"
Is installed on the coastal posts of technical surveillance and is intended for arrangement of the surface situation control, automatic detection, tracking and recognition of the movable and fixed surface targets, as well as for the data output to the automated technical control system (ÀTCS).
Meets requirements of the military standards of Russia.
SCRP is the geographically distributed system consisting of two subsystems spaced up to 30 km and united with the telecommunication and data communication systems (TDCS).
Self-contained subsystem operating without maintenance personnel ensures:
- circular scanning in 3cm waveband, detection of surface targets, its actual position measurement (range, bearing), motion parameters definition (course, speed) in unintended interference conditions;
- reception, processing, decoding and display of the information transmitted with external devices of automated identification system (AIS) in ultra short wave band;
- environment situation surveillance by means of optoelectronic system, which includes video camera and thermal imager and also automatic tracking of the surface targets selected according to the data of radar surveillance system;
- real-time transmission of full radar and video information and information on the operational modes of the self-contained equipment on the single data control and display console panel;
The second subsystem - data control and display console panel and telecommunication and data communication system is located in the division's room and operates with the participation of one operator, who effects both operational modes control of the subsystem and remote control of the whole equipment of the self-contained radar post through the telecommunication and data communication channels.

  • Automatic tracking mode of up to 200 targets.
  • Data exchange range through radio channel - 30km.

    Spectral band of optical – electronic system (µm)

    Thermal imager

    3 - 5

    Video camera

    0,4 - 0,8

    Performance characteristics of SCRP

    Radar module 3,2cm

    Targets detection range (NM)

    Large targets

    at least 20

    Medium targets

    at least 15

    Minor targets

    at least 10

    Ultra minor targets

    at least 3

    Targets coordinates measurement errors

    Azimuth (deg.)

    max. 0,3

    Range (on all range bands) (m)

    max. 10*


    Range (m)


    Bearing (deg.)


    Scan rate (deg/sec)


    * or 0,5% of the range scale in use

    Optical-electronic system

    Targets detection range (NM)

    Large targets

    at least 20

    Medium targets

    at least 12

    Minor targets

    at least 5

    Ultra minor targets

    at least 2

    Maximum target recognition range (NM)

    Large targets


    Medium targets


    Minor targets


    Ultra minor targets


    Viewing angle (degree)

    In horizontal plane


    In vertical plane
